• (888) 717-2991
  • info@BreatheGivesBack.org

Trevor’s Story

Trevor’s story brought us to the realization that we had to do more, be more, and give back more. We knew we could make a difference in the lives of so many by creating a Foundation that would help us to help more people, families, and communities that are fighting addiction and mental health issues. Trevor’s story is powerful, and to us, it’s personal. But it’s one of the thousands of stories of countless families dealing with these heartbreaking losses. We feel obligated to do more. And give back. Won’t you join us?


Trevor York, the song “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley begins to play in my head. “Don’t worry about a thing” … I hear him singing this song and sending the message still that “every little thing is gonna be alright.” Those words live on in so many hearts and minds of those who knew him. 


Trevor was always the first to greet new people coming into treatment with a loving hug and an inappropriate joke. He loved to laugh, and he loved to make people smile. That was one of the many gifts he gave so freely to others. He brought laughter and light everywhere he walked. If “witty-loving-kindness” were a person, his name would be Trevor York.


Trevor had hoped to become a therapist who works with autistic children, and before arriving at Breathe, he had worked as a nanny to several autistic children. He found joy in teaching them new skills and relished their accomplishments.


Trevor was reluctant when he first arrived at Breathe, but soon after, he was all about his recovery, and he showed up for the challenges while celebrating the triumphs. I recall the first group he was in, and he showed up to the group room still withdrawing from opioids, wrapped in multiple blankets, shaking, and struggling to stand, yet he still made it to the room. From that day on, I knew him to be a person to show up no matter what. Trevor kept showing up not only for himself but for so many others. His heart always found a way to shine through even the most challenging times, and he had a way of reaching out to the underdogs and making them feel seen, accepted, included and loved. 


He gave generously of his time and wisdom to so many young adults suffering from depression, anxiety, alcoholism, or drug addiction. He carried a message of recovery to anyone he spoke to; he shared his heart openly, he made this world a brighter place, and he never stopped caring. 


Trevor fought for lasting sobriety three times, and he had finally achieved more than a year-and-a-half of living sober when he yielded to the disease again. He will always be remembered as a loving son, brother, friend, artistic and gentle soul, sly wit, and an incredibly big-hearted young man. We will cherish his warmth and honor his important legacy always. ~ Thoughtfully written by Trevor’s counselor.


In honor of Trevor, his family and friends have been the first to donate to BGB to help others. They recognize that sometimes it takes more than once, perhaps more than three times to sustain recovery. Perhaps it takes relieving some of the stressors that make the investment in a recovery life more valuable than the expense of relapse. 


We invite you to consider Trevor’s beautiful spirit and those beautiful spirits you have lost and help someone who is still struggling by donating to Breathe Gives Back.