• (888) 717-2991
  • info@BreatheGivesBack.org


Give a Little, Change A Lot!

Help someone get the help they need.

Trevor’s story is powerful and to us, it’s personal.

Trevor's Story

Trevor’s story brought us to the realization that we had to do more, be more, give back more. We knew we could make a difference in the lives of so many by creating a Foundation that would help us to help more people, families, and communities that are fighting addiction and mental health issues. Trevor’s story is powerful and to us, it’s personal. But it’s one of thousands of stories of countless families dealing with these heartbreaking losses. We feel beholden do more. And give back. Won’t you join us?

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There are several ways to participate, choose what is most important to you

About Us

We Inspire Others To Step Forward With Us And Help Those Suffering

Breathe Gives Back LLC is a 501c3 non-profit committed to supporting underserved individuals and communities recover from the impact of complex trauma, substance use, eating disorders and mental health through community education & awareness, professional clinical training, treatment, care management & transitional living support grants.

We Need your support and so do others

Volunteer Now

There are upcoming events, services and other ways to support those in need. Contact us now to see how you can help.
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