• (888) 717-2991
  • info@BreatheGivesBack.org
Getting Help

Getting Help

Financial Addiction Recovery Assistance

Breathe Gives Back may grant short-term financial assistance for addiction treatment needs that have arisen due to unforeseen circumstances. Funding may be awarded for needs such as psychotherapy, addiction treatment, sober living, and other personal recovery expenses. 

Eligibility Application Package Requirements

Applicants must complete and submit the following:

  • A letter illustrating the need & motivation for help
  • Application for assistance
  • Last 2 year tax returns
  • A letter from one recovery supportive person
  • Government issue ID

Who We Serve

People struggling with addiction, eating disorders and mental health who are underserved and require help. 

Please submit your COMPLETE Application Package to: info@breathegivesback.org

Assistance Limitations

When financial assistance is provided by Breathe Gives Back, it is charitable in nature and therefore, before seeking such assistance, applicants are required to investigate all other possible sources of aid.  All approved assistance is paid directly to a creditor/third party.  At its sole discretion, Breathe Gives Back reserves the right to deny or approve financial assistance.