• (888) 717-2991
  • info@BreatheGivesBack.org

Our History

  • Breathe Gives Back LLC is a 501c3 non-profit committed to supporting underserved individuals and communities recover from the impact of complex trauma, substance use, eating disorders and mental health through community education & awareness, professional clinical training, treatment, care management & transitional living support grants.

Our History

Beginning on May 13, 2020, Breathe Gives Back worked diligently to become an official 501(c)(3) and was granted status on January 19, 2021. Breathe Life Healing Centers, a leading recovery center for the treatment of trauma, addiction, eating disorders, and mental health is pleased to announce the establishment of Breathe Gives Back, a 501(c)(3) foundation committed to helping individuals, families, and communities achieve a life of fulfilling and sustainable recovery.

Breathe Gives Back will offer individuals, families, and communities services through our three pillars of excellence:

  • Providing scholarship aid, covering program, medical, ancillary, and housing costs associated with treatment expenses for addiction, eating disorders, and mental health,
  • Creating cutting edge and groundbreaking professional continuing education for eating disorder and addiction professionals to achieve clinical excellence in our field

  • Offer wide-spread and community addiction, eating disorder, and mental health education and awareness through various media platforms

While Breathe Gives Back benefits from the wisdom of Breathe Life Healing Centers’ clinical excellence and experience in this industry, and in turn, the organization will enable us to share this knowledge with many more lives to an array of outside providers national and internationally. Not just the lives of people in need, but the professionals and caretakers that are included in this journey, as well.

“With powerful educational and spiritual development in place, we believe recovery is possible for all,” explained Brad Lamm, President of Breathe Life Healing Centers. “Breathe Gives Back is a place where barriers are removed and treatment and education become accessible for communities to heal”. Brad is an author, teacher, and interventionist, who has provided more than a thousand interventions, visited hundreds of treatment facilities across the world, and has collaborated with the most knowledgeable and effective specialists in the field of recovery.

“With the devastating numbers of individuals impacted by addiction, eating disorders, and mental health, we knew we needed to create a large scale, broad concept non-profit organization to reach each home that is impacted by these disorders,” stated Deb Hughes, Breathe Life Healing Centers’ CEO. For this reason, Breathe Gives Back will increase education to professionals, provide education and awareness at a grand scale to individuals, families, and communities through various media platforms, and raise funds to provide scholarship aid for people in need of treatment. Since opening Breathe Life Healing Centers in 2013, Breathe has given over $4M in scholarship care. Deb Hughes has created a vast network of connections throughout the addiction and eating disorder field in her 35 years of experience. Her life’s work and passion has made it possible to place people in the safe spaces of treatment to give them the opportunity to recover.

Mackenzie Phillips, actress, author and advocate, has been working at Breathe for many years on the front lines of the addiction epidemic.

“As a person in long term recovery who has been to treatment 11 times, I understand my privilege. There are hundreds of thousands of people who need addiction and mental health treatment, but only a sliver of them can receive the care they so desperately need. Breathe Gives Back hopes to make a difference and offer services that many could not otherwise access. Recovery is magical, and treatment is the stepping stone to that magic.”

Breathe Gives Back will be funded by tax-deductible donations from individuals and organizations who are also passionate about bringing change. These individuals and organizations will be closely aligned with the Breathe Gives Back philosophy to create a large scale paradigm shift in this field and to support sustainable, long-term and life-fulfilling recovery.